All Water Whitehall Spirit rowing and sculling rowboats for fun, fitness and adventure
Shoreside conversations stop when a pair of rowers stroke into view in a Whitehall Spirit 17 doubleposition all water sculling rowboat. Featuring two sliding seat stations, this boat moves right along. If theres wave action or a chop on the water, no problem thats what these boats are designed to handle. For a slide seat rower, this sculling rowboat can row in locations that are way too rough for a racing scull or even an open water shell. Two or three strokes take her up to speed the long, smooth glide needs to be experienced to be believed. A speed of 4 to 5. 5 knots (10 km, h) can be maintained for hours with little to no strain on the rowers. A single sculler can row this boat as well without any difficulty handling it. Whitehall Rowing Sail builds sleek, elegant All Water Whitehall Spirit rowing, sailing and sculling rowboats, the Oar Board SUP rower, and the Fitness and Adventure Row SUPs. We sell direct and ship worldwide Thousands enjoy the lowimpact wholebody workout,