The Cambodian myth of lightning, thunder, and rain Prumsodun Ok
Check out our Patreon page: View full lesson: Moni Mekhala Ream Eyso is the most sacred dance drama in Cambodia. It is performed every year in the buong suong ceremony, and explains the origins of lightning, thunder and rain according to the Khmer people. Prumsodun Ok tells this empowering tale that still enlightens our world today. Lesson by Prumsodun Ok, animation by Silvia Prietov. Thank you so much to our patrons for your support Without you this video would not be possible Michelle StevensStanford, Phyllis Dubrow, Eunsun Kim, Philippe Spoden, Samantha Chow, Armando Ello, Ayala Ron, Manognya Chakrapani, Simon Holst Ravn, Doreen ReynoldsConsolati, Rakshit Kothari, Melissa Sorrells, Antony Lee, Husain Mohammad, Côme Vincent, Astia Rizki Safitri, alessandra tasso, Gerald Onyango, Katrina Harding, Ezgi Yersu, Katie Dean, Kin Lon Ma, Carsten Tobehn, Boris Langvand, Jeremy Fryd, Charl