Hi everybody, Have you ever thought about how come some people look so good in pictures Well, other then the fact that they might have good lighting, know how to pose etc, makeup plays a big role in photography. Usually makeup fades in photos and from my experience of working with a bunch of photographers ( plus married one ) so what you wanna do is always use creamy products then use powders. The creams will always have a more natural texture and it would be more picmented than a powder. If youre watching the whole video you will find that I give you a lot of tips about the placement of the products. I know I talk super slow and a lot of you have no patience to watch everything, I know, but if you give it the time you will find out how some small things can really make a difference in your makeup. If you already have big eyes, you can get away with using only eyeshadows, and maybe just apply a darker shade right at the base of your lashes, you dont absolutely need an eyeliner. Let me know your