JOE WEIDER: Sergio Oliva is a Chicken and Wh re II ROBBY: Sergio looked like from another Galaxy
Things happen in life. Stories are being created about how things have happened. Some of those stories become beliefs for generations. We all have the power to rewrite our story. We just need to tell that story to someone that will listen. State the facts, tell the truth. Sculpting the best possible physique is a life long journey. I love the process of learning from the best. The destination is just a bonus, they journey is everything. Today I had the honor for the 2nd time to sit down and talk with the Black Prince of Bodybuilding, Mr. Robby Robinson. He shares his first Mr Olympia experience as a fan, going to New York (1970) to watch the battle for the title between Sergio Oliva and Arnold. Thank You for Subscribing and Supporting my channel. If you truly enjoy this video, please consider sharing it with the world Follow Robby: , spase, robbyrobinson, bodybuilding