Haley Reinhart Roll The Dice ( Official Music Video)
Published on August 27th, 2021 Haley Reinhart Roll The Dice , HaleyReinhart, RollTheDice, OffTheGroundEP Share, stream, download Roll The Dice here Directed by: Joshua Shultz Haley Reinhart Editor colorist: Joshua Shultz Haley Reinhart Filmed at: Circa Resort and Casino, Las Vegas Starring: Haley Reinhart Ryan Bergeron (Snowbank) Jess Smyth (Biig Piig) Blake Lewis Beverly Lawrence Oliver Padilla Connect with Haley Reinhart Written by: Haley Reinhart, Anders Grahn, Magnus Tingsek Recorded produced by: Magnus Tingsek Anders Grahn Mixed by: Carl Granberg Mastered by: Hans Olsson Roll The Dice If I told you I want you Would you want me back Would I be enough Say that Im enough If I told you I need you Would you need me back Could