4 Levels of Turkey Sandwich: Amateur to Food Scientist, Epicurious
We challenged chefs of three different skill levels amateur Onika, home cook Daniel, and professional chef Rawlston Williams to prepare their best turkey sandwich recipe for us. Once each level of chef had presented their creation, we asked expert food scientist Rose to explain the choices they made along the way both good and bad. Which of these turkey sandwiches are you eyeing up for after Thanksgiving Find Rawlston on Instagram at chefrawlstonw Keep up with Daniel at iamdanielvictor Onika is on social at onikacomedy Rose is on Instagram at rosemarytroutfoodscience Level 1: Onika McLean Level 2: Daniel Victor Level 3: Rawlston Williams Level 4: Rose Trout Director: Vanessa Moreno Editor:Tajah Smith Director of Photography: Jeremy Harris AC: Lucas Young Producer: Tyre Nobles Associate Producer: Sam Ghee Culinary Producer: Carrie Parrente Culinary Assistant: Stevie Stewart Culinary Assistant: Young Sun Huh Audio: Michael Guggino Post Production Supervisor: Stephanie