BIPOLAR by Shashank verma
Our mind has no limit, no polarity as such, since there is no limit to human endeavour, yet i have tried to sum up all the emotions in singularity in my track Bipolar. Immerse yourself in this infinite voyage piloated by one man, touching down on polyphonic melodies yet knitting then together in a mellow tone Life is one grand sweet song so lets start it About music A Combination of experimental, finger percussive style The guitar used in the composition is designed and made by Shashank verma which is one of a kind Instruments used guitar 6 string guitar 12 string bongo drum kit ortega kicks Special thanks to sponsors fishman, ortega guitars pickasoguitarbow g7th capo company Audio Mixed and recorded by Shail saini (kb studios) Camera team Rajeev kushwaha, Arvind kumbhkar, The viper beast Please like, share, subscribe if you like it. facebook profile instagram profile fa