Boardwalk Empire State of Mind Erik Weiner
A rap by AGENT EBO from HBO s BOARDWALK EMPIRE. 1920 Director Edward McGinty Lyrics by Erik Weiner Music production by Mark Weiner Cast Erik Weiner Halle Morse Producer Morgan Roche Director of Photography Jayson Thompson Additional Photography Ethan Sigman Edward McGinty Still Photographer Noelle Thurin Editor Kelly Henson Costume Design Lisa Padovani Wardrobe Stef Maus Props Vinny Mazzarella Hair Christine Cantrell Makeup Mary Aaron Production Assistance Chris Farrow, Darell Day Thanks to Cait La Dee, Butcher Editorial, Pepper O Brian, Dhana Gilbert, Jimbob Peltaire, Jennifer Hall, John Dunn, Bob Shaw, Bill Groom, Amanda Foley, Kerry Marhefka, Aengus James, Rita Lilly, Colin Miller, and Ted Gardner. Special br, br,