Should Be Legalized Eminem Love The Way You Lie Parody by Steve Berke
Please subscribe to my YouTube channel, and like my facebook page facebook, steveberkecomedy Written and performed by Steve Berke. Featuring Charlotte Bruyn. Yes, that is actually her voice. Download the song on iTunes its awesome thanks to Charlotte PLEASE POST THE VIDEO ON YOUR FACEBOOK AND HELP SPREAD THE MESSAGE Vote YES on Prop 19 Directed by Adam Mutchler. Starring Valerie White and Michael Malone. Special thanks to Adrian and Stian and our LA friends for helping Press Release: YouTube Censors Pro Prop 19 Political Campaign Miami Beach, FL (Oct 26th, 2010) Last week, comedian Steve Berke launched an online political campaign in support of Proposition 19 in California with the recent release of his latest music video, Should Be Legalized, a political commentary on Eminem s music video Love The Way You The campaign, supported by NORML (National Org br, br,