SHOCKING: Is This Where They HIDING The FOOD , Food Shortages, SHTF
SHOCKING: Is This Where They HIDING The FOOD , Food Shortages, SHTF Shocking is this where theyre hiding all the food is this the reason for food shortages and SHTF food for 2023 Are we going to have food shortages and whoever stocking up the food in the underground prepping facility will be prepared, mini preppers are prepping for SHTF and prepping for food, shortages, and empty shelves and inflation. In this case someone has 2 1, 2 million square feet to prep food 3 1, half miles of underground road systems for storage, definitely time to be prepping and prepping for inflation too, if you watch Prepping channels like Riverside homestead life or pinball preparedness, full spectrum, Canadian prepper, prepared Homestead or Alaska prepper or GoshEn prepping, the economical ninja full spectrum, survival or any of these prepping channels that give you the Prepping news you would know that prepping for SHTS is eminent and having emergency preparedness and disaster preparedness for economic colla