Inside A Fully Renovated Scottish Farmhouse Secluded in The Outer Hebrides, Design Notes
Saffron Aldridge and Scarlett Supple welcome us into their Scottish farmhouse located on a remote Hebridean island. This traditional farmhouse has been restored as a joint effort between business partners Aldridge Supple, and sits perched above a tidal pool gazing over the surrounding Hebridean moorland. As we tour the interior, we begin to appreciate the calm and comfort injected into this remote homestead a stark contrast to the vast landscape of mountains, moors and machair. With startling features, such as the farmhouses tall windows and doubleheight ceilings, Aldridge Supple forged a symbiotic relationship between the surrounding nature and interior. Your whole relationship is with the nature outside, says Aldridge. Its very important that the inside and the outside work together. Watch the full episode of Design Notes as we tour Saffron Aldridges remote farmhouse nestled in the Hebridean hills. , SaffronAldridge, Garden, InteriorDesign, DesignNotes Watch