ASMR Morticia Addams Styles Your Halloween Hair Part 3, 3 Personal Attention, Hair Brushing
Get 4 months extra on a 2year plan here: It s riskfree with Nord s 30day moneyback guarantee Part 3, 3 for your Halloween costume preparation You can watch other parts here : TIMESTAMPS IN THE COMMENTS Hello again, little monster. In this tingly asmr video, Morticia Addams will be styling your hair perfectly for the annual Addams Family Halloween ball LOTS of Personal attention, hair brushing, even a scalp massage from Thing Tapping, long nail scratching and as always, fun :D Thank you to my creative partner Fanette for her wonderful work on this video You can check her channel out here: fanetteasmr Or on insta: fanettebegstodiffer You can now join my channel as a member With perks like custom badges, emotes to use in chat an