The Shotgun Hostage Trap Tony Kiritsis The Dead Man s Line
Head to my link at to get your free welcome kit with your first subscription this includes 5 free travel packs, a bottle of AG1s vitamin D3K2, the shaker bottle, and more Dead Mans Line website: Check out the new podcasts here: The Red Thread: theofficialytchannel CreepCast: CreepPodcast The Weird Bible Podcast: TheWeirdBible DISCLAIMER: This video is for educational purposes. The events described and shown are historically, artistically significant and the content should be treated as a comprehensive recollection, analysis of events. The actions mentioned are in no way condoned or acceptable to myself or those who featured in the creation of this video. Any events or images depicted are artificial and in no way condone behavior of similar category. Please view responsibly, viewer discretion is advised. My Links Second channel, Livestreams: Twitter: m