DAMNED RITUAL EZKABA ( Official Video) from the new album OBLITERATION (2023)
Ezkaba is a track from the new album Obliteration released by Damned Ritual on 2023. Buy the new album in Ezkaba, perteneciente al nuevo álbum Obliteration lanzado por Damned Ritual en 2023. Compra el nuevo disco en Lyrics: In May, when day escapes One thousand nine hundred thirtyeight Following, thirty warriors To cross from hell to the earth, run away No one can do it for you The weak will early surrender The strong will make it through Run through the forest Fall in the mud Always stronger In May, when day escapes One thousand nine hundred thirtyeight Following, thirty warriors To escape, scape from hell Seven hundred ninetyfive persons down the mountain Only three will survive Seven hundred ninetyfive running through the forest Run, you have to run