Antioch VII: Gates Of Obliteration (2024)
Band: Antioch Album: VII: Gates of Obliteration Country: Canada Label: Iron Shield Records Tracklist: 1. Frozen Highway 00:00 2. Legend of Tudohm 07:30 3. Tired of Fire 12:10 4. Onward with Obliteration 17:04 5. All Gods, All Masters 21:31 6. Understand 26:25 7. Point of Entry 32:35 8. In The Throes of Arcane Lust 35:47 Lineup: Nick Allaire Vocals Jordan Rhyno Guitars Brendan Rhyno Drums Mixed and mastered by Erik Gurney. Artwork by Oldschoow Crew. Facebook: Bandcamp: Instagram: Contact: More info: Label: NWOTHM Full Albums will try to gather the best of Old School Heavy Metal albums by the bands of the new generation. If you like it, buy the album. Facebook: Instagram: Patreon: