The Postman (1940 1949)
British Instructional Films Ltd presents a Classroom Film. A village church. Top shot of a village street, Hovis sign visible. Row of terraced houses. Postman in uniform emerges. He checks his pocket watch then walks along village streets. Man brings a bike out of a very small Post Office next to a shop called The Spinning Wheel. Postman goes in and speaks to the local post master, signs in and sorts his bundle of mail. He ties the bundle with a piece of string. We then see the postman with lots of small bundles of mail and parcels. He places them in a large mailbag and puts the strap of the bag over his head. He leaves the Post Office and walks off with his bike. We see him cycling in the street, opening gates, posting mail etc. He walks up the path to the church. A man walking along waves to the postie. A woman standing on her step and washing her windows is handed her mail. A small child excitedly takes mail from the postman and runs off round the side of the house with it. A wom