The Volcanic Mystery in Lesotho; Did a Volcano Erupt in 1983
In 1983, many people witnessed a volcano erupt and lava pour out of the ground from a vent in central Lesotho. The lava flow was only spotted after a moderate magnitude earthquake struck the region, suggesting that the two events may be related. The apparent volcanic eruption was highly unusual, as the nation has not been the site of a volcanic eruption in more than 40 million years However, not all is as it seems. Did a volcanic eruption truly occur in 1983, or was something else the cause This video will answer this question and discuss the unusual events in February of 1983. If you would like to support this channel, consider becoming a patron at Another way to support this channel is to make an order via our gemstone and geology related etsy store at This channel s merch store is also on etsy at Graphics of eruption dates are courtesy of the Global Volcanism Program, Smithso