Handmade doll Mother of Darkness Kali, tutorial how to make a doll
Mother of Darkness Kali its finished and here for you see how it was done. .. She is the beauty, mortals think, its ugly, She is the wisdom which all crave, She isbeyond the love and hate and vengeance, She has become the brightest Darkness and the darkest Light, She is the Mother, bleeding above us Materials used Wooden base Aluminium wire Alumunium foil Hot glue Epoxy glue Super sculpey polimer clay ( for head arms and torso) Selection of glass beads Selection of fabric Resin dye Acrylic paint Pastel Hand forged black metal nails PRO TIP: the more imprefections you paint on the flesh part the more real your doll will look, so dont rush, take your time and use real reference pictures of skin marks if its teh first time you doing it. P. S: legs are not necesary to make if you are having a dress of this type as its extra work, i started with idea of her having pants and the decided a queen will look more apropriate with a dres