AYLA NEREO YLVA ( Official Video)
journey to meet the wild in darkness find the light remembrance of the offering bring ye Sunna to the YLVA listen download: In ancient nordic memory live the tales of the sun goddess Sunna and the moon god Mani riding across the sky, chased by the wolf, whose pace kept the days going, the seasons turning, the cycles of life intact. Ylva ( shewolf ) is the call to the holy wild, the keepers of balance, the misunderstood wolves of our planet who are endangered and hunted, yet keep the balance of life wherever they live. This is the first visual chapter of a greater tale, an ode to the old stories remembered, an offering to the wild around us and within us. All profits of the song are going to protect wolves in the wild. Please consider signing, taking action, or donating to the orgs below to help. Save the wolves of Yellowstone: Protect the wolves in north America: w