Star Wars: Masters of Teras Kasi ( PS1) Playthrough Nintendo Complete
A playthrough of LucasArts 1997 versusfighter for the Sony PlayStation, Star Wars: Masters of Teräs Käsi. The video shows two separate playthroughs. The first is with Luke Skywalker on the default difficulty level. The second playthough, beginning at 14:35, is done playing Slave Leia, or Princess Leia as she is labelled. She has an exclamation point because she is a secret character. I included her specifically as a nod to poor Carrie Fisher. The music sounds very different because I replaced all of it. Anytime I try to upload anything with Star Wars music in it it gets blocked outright by YouTube, so I turned the ingame music off. The music that is playing is a recording of Star Wars midi files played back through a Sound Blaster 16 for that fun retro feeling. It s all FM, so I doubt anybody would care. Anyways, this Star Wars title was the first (and I think the only) time LucasArts ever did a fighting game, and it takes place between episodes IV