He Plays VIOLENTLY Aaron Butler Might Be The NFL s Next Offensive AND Defensive Star
OT7 Season 2 Ep 6 Who s Next Brendan Hall Cop New Apparel Aaron Butler is one of the TOP ATHLETES IN THE and he still hasn t announced where he ll be going to school We linked up with our guy AB for a full day in the life of one of the top football players out there. Obviously had to get some work in on the field and in the weight room. My guy is seriously jacked, and he pushes himself so hard in the gym. Kinda crazy he could also be a tough boxer too. AB is seriously one of the most humble and hardworking guys out there, and we can t wait to see where he ends up. Comment down below where you think Aaron should commit Follow us or never catch a TD ever Instagram: TikTok: Download Our App Twitter: Facebook: