150 Years of Drum Set Evolution in 40 Minutes
This was my Senior Project Presentation that I did for my for Bachelors of Science Degree in Music. This presentation was put together with the intent to create a condensed insight into the last 150 years of drumming history. All the materials in this presentation are for educational purposes only, with no intent to monetize or privatize in any way, shape or form. I pooled a lot of resources through various channels and specifically I would like to acknowledge the following for insight, information, media and recordings that I used to put this presentation together: Daniel Glasss Century Project and Traps: The Incredible Story of Vintage Drums Not So Modern Drummer Drum Archive. Com Getty Images The Percussive Arts Society International Headquarters and Museum The Queen s Own Rifles of Canada Regimental Museum Century Drum Shop in Toronto Canada Brandon Snyder, of Balance Productions lastly, Dr James A. Strain at Northern Michigan Un