Radical Face The Ship In Port ( Acoustic)
This took longer to make than expected. I am still learning how to operate a camera myself and it was my first time personally working with a key light. So there was a good bit of reshooting along the way while I figured it all out. But I also learned about editing with proxies, which is a game changer So when I was working on the original version of The Ship In Port, Nico s These Days was a big reference. I have loved that song since I heard it in high school, and I wanted to capture some of that mood. So when I sat down to work on a video treatment for this, Wes Anderson instantly sprang to mind. His use of These Days in The Royal Tenenbaums is forever paired for me (as well as Needle In The Hay ), so I decided on flat backgrounds and a Futura font as a direct nod to him. Josh and I just shot a bunch of surfaces around the house for backgrounds (rugs, towels, carpets, astroturf, doormats, walls, etc), and used as many flat surfaces as we