A Personal Reflection on No Mans Sky, Five Years Later
Thanks to Core for sponsoring this video Download Core to play and create PC games for FREE at Support the show on Patreon Podcast Second Channel It s hard to believe that No Man s Sky came out over halfadecade ago now. After playing through the game multiple times, I thought I was done after my last video back in 2018. To mark the game s five year anniversary, however, I stepped back in for one more trip to the galactic core, and was very pleasantly surprised by what I found. In this retrospective critique, analysis, I discuss the frustrations I had had with the game up to this point, as well as the technical and artistic changes made to the game over numerous updates that have turned me into a fullblown fan of the game. No Man s Sky, after five long years, makes sense to me now. Thank you Hello Games for your dedication to such a special ti