Marie Vaunt, Frank Spector Cosmology
Dive into the enigmatic universe of techno as Frank Spector and Marie Vaunt present their collaborative masterpiece Scheduled for release on November 3rd via CODEX, this exceptional techno offering transcends boundaries and elevates the genre to new heights. Cosmology is a sonic odyssey that draws listeners into its pulsating rhythms and immersive soundscapes. Frank Spector s technical finesse converges with Marie Vaunt s innovative approach, resulting in an intricate blend of textures that embodies the very essence of techno. With meticulous attention to detail, Cosmology captures the essence of the genre s driving force while embracing a cosmic allure. Prepare to be transported through layers of sound that reflect the intricacies of the cosmos itself. Embark on a sonic exploration with Cosmology, a collaboration that defines the essence of modern techno innovation. Listen download: Listen to Techno To