Jean Luc Nancy. Love and Community. 2001
Philosopher JeanLuc Nancy, French philosopher and thinker talking about shattered love, demand, desire, lack, impossibility, heart, body, deconstruction, christianity, religion, philosophy, metaphysics, Jacques Lacan, community, civilization. Public open lecture for the students of the Division of Philosophy, Art Critical Thought at the European Graduate School EGS, SaasFee, Switzerland. 2001. JeanLuc Nancy (b. 1940) is a French philosopher. He is the Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel Chair and a professor of philosophy at The European Graduate School, EGS. Nancy graduated with a degree in philosophy from the Sorbonne (Paris) in 1962, where he worked with Georges Canguilhem. During his time at the Sorbonne, he also worked with Paul Ricoeur, who supervised his MA thesis on Hegels philosophy of religion. He briefly taught in Colmar before becoming an assistant at the Institut de philosophie at the University of Strasbourg in 1968. In 1973, he completed his doctoral dissertation on Kants