Send Me An Angel Guitar Lesson Scorpions
Check Out My Online Guitar Academy SAVE 15 ON A FAITH GUITAR IN THE USA, CANADA (Use Promo code: GUITAR365) (This goes to the USA Faith website, where you can buy online using the 15 promo code if you are in the USA or Canada) Faith guitars will also give me a small percentage of the sale when you use the promo code to help support this YouTube channel :) The Coupon code is Time Limited and may be withdrawn at any time so hurry MORE INFO ON FAITH GUITARS (Not in the USA) (This goes the Faith International website, where you can find a Faith guitars dealer in the UK and Ireland) Check Out This Guitar Here: , carlbrown faithguitars In this Send Me An Angel guitar lesson video, I will show you how to play this beautiful song by the Scorpions, notefornote. The tuning