Cant Take My Eyes Off of You Connor, Abby
A quick little vid of Connor and Abby, because how cute have they been this season And yeah, it s kind of annoying that after all that time we didn t get to see them actually get together, but it s also nice to skip right to the adorable togetherness. No more will they, won t they, they just are. Love it. So this song just sort of popped into my head when I watched the end of the season premiere, and I felt the need to vid it, so I did. Hope you like And thanks to my now 700+ subs Can t believe I got another 100 in just over a month. Thank you so much, guys And finally, as to the new kids on Primeval. .. I like Jessica. She s basically a female Connor, which is fun. I m on the fence about Matt. Not the most interesting dude, but he s fine. As long as whatever he s talking about with Old Professor Guy doesn t come around to do something bad to Connor, Abby, Becker or Lester especially Connor I d say he ll do for now.