zkos Few Manga Drawing Tips
Hurray for the 10 min. Limit (how frustrating) Few personal tips in Manga Drawing (I think there s more but i can t seem to Drawing with an Empty Stomach Okay, this isn t really much of a tip in manga drawing but if your stomach is growling, then you can t draw well, so eat hearty for today we draw manga Repeat All Over Again Repeat the same etc. ) for about 10 to 20 times or if you get tired just stop and continue next time Relax and Take a Break No need to rush when drawing manga Mood in Drawing Manga Mood is something that affects almost all activities you do, especially in manga you re not in the right mood to do manga drawing then don t force yourself to it ll just end up scrap. Show your Drawings The important thing here is to know the viewer s impression towards your accept whether they hate it or love it(that br, br,