The Little Things That Matter Stockings (1929)
Introductory intertitle reads: At no time in Fashion history have stockings played so prominent a part as today especially to those gifted with perfect C, U of a woman s legs from the knee downwards. She is wearing seamed stockings. A velvet cloak is lowered over her legs. But how often do we notice shapely limbs spoiled by crooked seams Another C, U of the legs this time with crooked seams. Or some Eve emphasising thick ankles by square heels C, U of another pair of legs with seamed stockings and black shoes. The newer pointed heels vastly improve a case like this Another shot in the same vein with the new style stockings displayed. The woman turns and we see her feet in C, U. Knee creases, too, are very prominent today, if not corrected C, U of a woman s knees and lower legs. Her stockings are very creased at the knees. Just little things but they matter much to those Eves who desire to be M, S of two women chatting in a lounge room