Karl Mildenberger V Oscar Bonavena (1967)
No title Oscar Bonavena beats Karl Mildenberger on points in heavyweight boxing match. Frankfurt, Germany. L, S crowd gathered round Oscar Bonavena at the weighin. C, U Bonavena flexing muscles. L, S crowd. M, S Mildenberger on the left and Bonavena on the right, Bonavena walks away from Mildenberger coyly. Various shots fighters getting into the ring. C, U as bell is rung for first round. M, S as they come out to the centre of ring, Mildenberger in the white shorts. M, S fight in progress. C, U man in crowd yelling. M, S as Bonavena catches Mildenberger with a left hand and Mildenberger seems to slip down. Slow motion C, U as Mildenberger tries to get up, Bonavena hits him again with a right hand and the referee runs in and hauls him away. L, S as he parts the two men with crowd yelling and waving in foreground. C, U crowd booing. L, S of Bonavena chasing Mildenberger to the ropes. Slow motion M, S as he lands a very low blow, turns Mildenberger off the ropes and lands another low blow. Various shots of t