Vicki Talbott ITC and EVP Practitioner
Vicki Talbott is a part of a group called The Big Circle that consists of loved ones in the etheric along with their loved ones in the physical. This group is composed of bereaved parents, spouses, siblings and friends, whose mission is to build a channel between the physical and etheric aspects of realitya Bridge to the Afterlife through electronic voice phenomena. She talks about how she discovered The Big Circle in 2000 following the transition of her son Braeden and how she does EVP in a previous video at In this video Vicki talks about her mother s deathbed visions and how they were validated by EVP and ITC messages from Braeden. She then goes on to talk about what constitutes EVP and ITC with reference to the work of Tom Butler, Mark Macy and Anabela Cardoso and provide helpful references for people starting out as well as giving examples of class A EVPs. The Big Circle websites: Tom and Lisa Butler s website has amazing information on EVP and ITC