Pa And Ma Penguin (1932)
Queerest and quaintest of almost any Zoo s residents, Penguins are the unconscious comedians of old Mother A man in a suit stands in the penguin enclosure of a zoo. C, Us of some of the penguins. A crowd of schoolboys watch the penguins being fed. M, S of keeper holding a penguin and the man in the suit feeding it. The penguin doesn t seem very hungry. C, U of three penguins. Various shots of penguins. A penguin stretches and shakes its feathers. No parent likes to lose its chick even for a minute Keeper puts his hand into a crevice in the rock and pulls out a mother penguin (this looks a bit cruel his hand is wrapped in a cloth and he seems to yank her out). The suited man picks up a penguin chick from the nest. He holds it up to the camera. C, U of his hands holding the chick. Conscientious objectors are everywhere One of the men uses his foot to keep one penguin away as he puts his hat over the head of another penguin then takes one of its eggs. (This seems very