Freak Storms Kill Hundreds (1950)
Freak storms kill hundreds. United States of America. GV. Snowplough in action in snowcovered Ohio Pen. street pan up snow as it comes from plough. SV. Pan bulldozer type motor clearing snow. SV. Over pile of snow girl clearing pathway. SV. Man clearing pathway SV. Snowcovered car abandoned in Cleveland. SV. Towards Tank of the National Guard moving along street. SV. BV. Tank towing lorry. LV. Deserted tramcars and cars. GV. Elevated abandoned tramcars in deserted street. SV. Trees being bent by gale. GV. Pan flooded airfield. GV. of Road ahead through windscreen of car. GV. Sea pouring over on the roadway. SV. Tree crashes against house New York. SV. Pan fireengine racing through New York, street. LV. Milkman placing milk on step of house by seashore. GV. Boars bobbing about on rough sea. SV. Elevated water logged boats being covered by waves GV. Floating wreckage. LV. Men looking at wrecked buildings. GV. Pan flood La Guardia airfield. LV. Grounded planes standing enginedeep in water. GV. La Guardi