Can you feel my express
English It can only less to expire two years in the Cwalk. It hasnt been a simple hobbie, thanks to this this time I have learned many things. One is not better or worse for since dance, and I have known many people thanks to this. Some of them have objected to my, many have motivated and helped me. In Spain the cwalk every time goes to worse, but I continue with my friends motivated. With the time you you realize that the cwalk is not a dance as other one anyone, also it serves you to express your feelings of happiness, In this moment I learned to dance of I have achieved many goals, and some others stay for reaching That I am not very good walker, but I continue fighting to excel day after day and especially I enjoy this with my friends. Thank you very much to all these people who has supported me especially: Tayne, Kedik, Kcrip, DaniCP, Dns, JF, Zoen, Hache, Blond, Spash, Burde, Guty, Ruby, Slenk, Fresh, Dani00, One, Styf, Dipsta, sOne, Hitman, Raswek, Faz br, br,