Republican Party Convention 1960 (1960)
Chicago, United States of America (USA). Title reads The Nixon Lodge Ticket A Graphic Summary of the Republican Party s Nominating Convention. Various shots of Republican Party Convention showing large crowds with banners, etc. Various shots of the States representatives nominating their candidates for the President. Election campaign material also. Large placards showing President Lincoln, President Eisenhower and Richard Nixon, who is the new party s candidate along with Lodge. Various shots of President Eisenhower and VicePresident Nixon siting in armchairs and talking. Various shots of the mass crowd on streets throwing masses of confetti and ticker tape over an open car with Dwight Eisenhower in it looks like a heavy snow storm. Ike has come to Chicago to give his support to Nixon. Ike and wife entering the conference hall, mass crowd cheering wildly. Ike addressing the crowd from dais natural sound. He challenges Russians with proposals to hold free elections etc. More shots of the mass