For The Next Antarctic Aka For The Next Antartical Cuts (1925)
Cuts (rushes, out takes) for story FOR THE NEXT ANTARCTIC (aka FOR THE NEXT ANTARTICAL) in G 1175. The original story is on Pathe Master tape PM0384. M, S of a man holding ski poles, he smiles, the sledgetractor is in the background. M, S of another man with a flat cap on. M, S of a third man, he points his ski pole a couple of times. L, S of the sledgetractor driving along in the snow towing 3 people on a sledge, they wave as they pass the camera. M, S as the tractor moves along, it is towing a skier who falls over and has to run to grab the rope again, he misses it and falls over again. L, S of the tractor pulling people on a sledge. M, S as it gets stuck in a snowdrift, someone tries to push it but it doesn t work so they back up and try again, one side gets stuck, but it makes slow progress over the snow as men stand around and watch, it has St. Ives. written on the side. Various shots from the back as it drives along pulling the sledge. M, S of one of the men pouring methylated spirit