VICE News Donald Trump Says Billions and Billions and Billions (20 07 2017)
VICE News Donald Trump Says Billions and Billions and Billions Billions. Its a fun word to say. Rolls right off the tongue. Go ahead, try it. Billions. Even more fun to say Billions and billions. And then theres the trifecta: billions and billions and billions. You see how easy it is to get carried away. It even happens to Donald Trump often. Heres a video of him saying the word billions. And billions. And billions and billions and you get the idea. Note: The clips were sourced from as early as 1987 up until the present day. While some clips come from the same appearance, there are no repeated clips in the video. , donaldtrump, trump, trumpdonald, vicenews, billions, billionsandbillions, billionsandbillionsandbillions