Out Takes, Cuts From Cp 661 Reel 2 Of 3 HMS Glamorgan Computer Ship Of The Future (1967)
Cuts (out takes, rushes) for story in Colour Pictorial CP 661. The original story and reel 1 of out takes are on Pathe Master tape PM0419. Cuts for story HMS GLAMORGAN COMPUTER SHIP OF THE FUTURE. Similar footage to cut story about life on board this guided missile battleship. A different sequence shows sailors hauling anchor chains in on deck; several aerial shots of the battleship at sea. More nice food, canteen shots; this food looks nicer than the stuff in the cut story; a longer sequence than that in the cut story shows a slightly effeminate sailor in gold wristwatch using a machine to dollop soft icecream on plates of tinned peaches. Some of the sailors lining up for food make faces and wave at the camera where are they now, I wonder More footage of men receiving injections in the sick bay; we do get to see the needle being inserted to a man s arm here not for the squeamish Several shots of the radar antennae on the ship; shells being loaded in the gun turret. FILM