How to self treat sternocleidomastoid muscle trigger points trigger point release
Got neck pain You may have sternocleidomastoid trigger points. For our complete guide to finding and treating trigger points that cause neck pain, go to This short instructional video will show you how to treat sternocleidomastoid muscle trigger points. Trigger points may be more clinically important than most health professionals realize, and muscle pain seems to be a growing problem. To see our entire video playlist, go to The sternocleidomastoid muscle, or SCM for short, not only leads to neck pain, but can also cause a wide variety of other symptoms such as headaches and difficulty swallowing. That s why most of us may overlook this muscle as the major cause of our pain. You see, these trigger points, or muscle knots, can refer pain to areas away from the source of pain. In this instructional video, you re going to learn how to use your hands to easily find the pa