電卓演奏 トルコ行進曲 Mozarts Turkish March Calculator Cover
I m Japanese. I played Mozart s Turkish March with 4 calculators (I can do it with 5 calculators) I think I m probably the first person in the world to perform a Turkish march on a calculator. I don t care about that, but I ve played it on the calculator several times until now, but Turkish March is the most difficult, especially the 37 second part, which is very difficult, and there are a lot of Please take your time till the end I hope you can sign up for the channel , TurkishMarch, Mozart, cover 電卓4台5台でも出来ますでモーツァルトのトルコ行進曲演奏してみました 演奏ができる電卓でトルコ行進曲を奏でる人は恐らく私が世界初だと思います そんな事はどうでも良いのですが今まで何度か電卓演奏をしていましたがトルコ行進曲が1番難易度が高く特に37秒の部分が大分苦戦しミスタッチが多いです 最後までごゆっくりお聴き下さい チャンネル登録もしてくれたら嬉しいです 最近, 2