BBS Documentary Interview: James Willing Jason Scott Sadofsky
Interview with James Willing, conducted for BBS: The Documentary. Held on January 28, 2004, in Yates Center, Kansas. Willing ran what is definitely one of the first 10 and likely one of the first 5 dialup bulletin boards, in 1978: CBBSNW. A resident of the Pacific Northwest when the BBS was run, Willing moved to Yates Center, Kansas, to run a bowling alley, where the interview was conducted. Subjects covered included finding out about CBBS in Chicago, the drive to create his own BBS, phone phreaks using the BBS, what kept the BBS running for so many years, and what decisions were made to shut it down. Director: Jason Scott Sadofsky. Producer: Jason Scott Sadofsky. Production Company: Bovine Ignition Systems. Audio, Visual: sound, color. Creative Commons license: AttributionShareAlike.