I started my own company when I was 21. I was a student and I borrowed 300 from my parents to register an LLC. 5 years later we raised money from American investors and built an international platform for booking study trips Here is how everything happened: 2011 started our company, no money and just 3 clients during this year. Built our basic website, dealt with misunderstanding from relatives and friends 2012 business is growing I have to do most of the things myslef. Rented a table in a coworking space. WOW 2013 company is growing really well, we decide to bring operation online. At the same time we realize that the market is going down and we can only hire developers part time 2014 WE ARE ALMOST BROKE New platform eats all our profits, my cofounder finds a different job so we can use his salary to pay our employees. I live on 100 a month, stay at my parents place. Maybe I should go and find a job after all br, br,