Angular JS Tutorial, 22 Form Validation (part 1)
Yo ninjas, in this AngularJS tutorial, I ll be introducing Angular s form validation classes and objects that we can use to offer feedback to our users when they incorrectly fill in a form. There are typically a few pairs of form validation classes, such as ngdirty and ngpristine, which swap for one another when a user interacts in some way with the COURSE LINKS: + Source files on GitHub + Atom text editor You can find more frontend development tutorials on CSS, HTML, JavaScript, jQuery, WordPress more on the channel SUBSCRIBE TO CHANNEL . .., TheNetNinja, angularjs, angularjstutorialforbeginners, angularjsendtoendwebapptutorial, angularjsfulltutorial, angularjstutorials, angularjsdirectives, angularjs, angularjstutorials, angulartutorial 20160310 GkjaFQAhM7o