World Best Jersey Cows Farm 80 Litter Milk Per Day ll Biggest Udder Cow ll Jersey Dairy Farm
Note : Video Credit goes to its respected owners. a: Eric Silva b: Kunde Jersey farm c: simply natural creamery and jersey farm d: Hiltonbury jerseys To Follow us on FB : Note: This video is uploaded only for teaching purpose. If somebody has any issue regarding coppyright or any other kind of problem, He, She kindly email us or inform us in comment. We will remove this video. e. mail : , dairyfarming, livestock, CowsFarm, CattleFarm, BuffaloFarming, IncreasBuffaloMilk, IncreasUddersize, jeseycows, hfcows, sahiwalcattlebreed, girolandocowsbreed, vandaformulla, goatfarming, niliravibuffaloes, kundibuffaloes, holsteinfresiancows