1314 Ocean (official video)
Ocean is a song performed by Russian electronic artist Gene Bogolepov aka 1314. Taken from The Magician EP: This video is about wanting badly to become someone else but then finally coming to accept yourself and becoming a perfect version of you. It also occurs to me that this might be a story of a couple living on different time regimes. One taking nightshifts, the other working during the day, hardly ever seeing each other Just like in that Scottish movie Late Night Shopping, have you heard of that one Its pretty funny Gene Bogolepov explains. Music: Gene Bogolepov (1314), Andrian Lebedev Lyrics: Gene Bogolepov Idea, Camera, Editing: Sasha Perova Light: Gene Bogolepov Actors: Vlad Simenenko, Sasha Polyarus Production: Sasha Perova, Gene Bogolepov, Vlad Simenenko St. Petersburg Jul. 2016 Aug. 2017