Kiri Why Am I Different The Way Of Water
Tribute Kiri Movie Avatar The Way of Water This is a tribute to Kiri, an important character from Avatar the way of water. Kiri s conception is shrouded in mystery. She is unlike any Na vi or avatar that the Omatikaya have ever met before. From a very early age, she has had an unusually strong connection to Eywa, even more than that of a tsahìk. She has three adopted siblings: Neteyam, Lo ak and Tuktirey. She became very close to Miles Socorro (spider) who she views as akin to her own brother. You may like These videos also: Neteyam : Lo ak : Lo ak and Tsireya : Jake Sully : Note All the images and music used in the video belong to their respective owners. I do not own anything. This is purely fanmade video, for entertainment purpose only. Edited By Superdit (sahil) Music by Eternal Eclipse Eternal Eclipse on YouT br, br,