Adopted Cat Is Constantly Confused and Nobody Knows Why, Cuddle Cats
Subscribe to Cuddle Buddies: Confused face Awkward jumps Handsome looks That s Yohji for you. He might look like he s stepped right from a cartoon book, but his adventure is nothin short of serious. Yohji was found at a shelter, lost all of his teeth but two, yet never gave up and is now sharing his love with the world. To check out Yohji and his goofiness go to his Insta: Similar goofy animals on Cuddle Buddies: Cat Was Bored In City Until Girl Took Him Hiking Cat Owns the Unimpressed Look and Has a Touching Story to Tell Follow us on social media: Facebook: Instagram: TikTok: Cuddle Buddies If animals had a favourite channel this would be the one. Cuddle Buddies is where animals f