TOO HOT These Simple Bases are ON FIRE
In this tutorial Jay teaches you how to make small fires for your bases We have new videos every Monday, Wednesday and Friday We re streaming MondaySaturday starting at 9PM CST JOIN USSSS Thanks for watching We have a Patreon Support us here and get more content : Discord Server: Materials List: (Using the Amazon links helps support the show ) , 11 Xacto Blades: Green Stuff: Crayola Model Magic: Super Glue: Wood Glue: Small Pebbles Coarse Grain Sand Fine Grain Sand Paint List: Vallejo Black Primer: Vallejo Stonewall Grey P3 Heartfire P3 Khador Red Highlight Citadel Khorne Red Check Out Our Live Streams : EonsOfBattle Instagram: EonsOfBattle Facebook Page: www.