Learn English Pronunciation Vowel sound, i:, British Pronunciation practice
The sound that you will learn today is the long vowel sound, i:, . The sound, i:, can be found in many words like be, me and need. The sound, i:, is voiced. It is also known as a close front unrounded vowel. In this case it means that we use the tongue and we put it up to the top of the mouth, really high, and the word unrounded means that we stretch the lips out. The sound, i:, is pronounced as follows: The mouth is open and lips go sideways like you are smiling. So the teeth are open and the tongue touches the lower teeth. English Pronunciation Training coursebook Join Perfect English Pronunciation Online Course courses, pronunciation, Spoken English selfstudy coursebook Join Perfect English Pronunciation Online Course All about English Tenses in a simple easy way English Pronouns Find Lingportal here: Web: FB: Instagram: Subscribe on YouTube: , lingportal, ,englishpronunciation, ,englishsounds, ,britishpronunciation, ,pronunciationpractice,